jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Hello! How are you?
I'm very good here.
I'm sad because ATHLETIC CLUB lost 1st in SAN MAMES.
But, I'm happy learning English. In my group THE TIGERS we are: Dani, Jeison, Izaro, Irene,Carmen Martinez, Egoitz and I. The food is very good.
Bihar arte, berriro ikusiko gara.


Hello! How are you!
Oso pozik nago maisu eta andereñoekin. Ingles asko ikasi dot eta gauza asko ikusi dugu. Beti jartzen dute patatak jateko.
Agur musu bat!


Hello! How are you?
Here we are very well. the teachers are very funny and the camp is really beautiful. we're learning a lot of English. See you on friday!
Carmen M.


Hello, How are you?
Here we are very well. i'm sad because athletic lost first time in san mames. the food is delicious. we'll see tomorrow.
Here the teachers are very nice: Ander, Conor, Ben, Holly and Fainche.
Bye bye!!


Kaixo guztioi:
Hemen denok ondo pasatzen ari gara baina bakarrik egun bar falta da. Aste honetan monitore berriak eduki ditugu: Fainche, Holly Ander, Conor eta Ben. Hemengo janaria eskolakoa baino goxoago dago. Hiru taldetan banatu gara: the tigers, the lions and the sharks. jolas eta ekintzetan parte hartu dugu eta oso ondo pasatzen ari gara.
Izaro eta Irene.


Hola Aita, Ama eta Enara!
Hemen oso ondo pasatzen ari naiz lagunekin, eta maisuekin ingles asko ikasten.
Asko maite zaituztet.

:-) Egoitz.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, everybody
    The last day is near. I see in the nice photos that today has also been a wonderful day. Have you played with the snow?
    Here all days it´s raining, but tomorrow for your welcome, the weather will be good.
    I tell you that on Monday you must bring the MAKILA SANTA AGEDA.
    We hope. Tomorrow
    Happy dreams in the last night.

  2. Hello Espejo,
    Have a good night and enjoy your last day.
    Ibai remember to take the medicine not to get sick in the bus.Take it half an hour before you get on the bus.
    If anyone needs it Ibai has got a few to share.
    Love & Kisses

  3. Hello Carmen, Peru and company:
    This is your last night in the camp, so enjoy yourselfs a lot and we wait you tomorrow in the Goiko Kale.
    Cesar, Eva y Oskar.
